Online safety is an important part of keeping children safe here at Cwmffrwdoer Primary School. In an ever growing technological world, providing children with the skills and knowledge to stay safe online is essential.
We have extensive security measures in place to ensure the safeguarding of pupils from potential dangers or unsuitable material. Any online safety issues are promptly recorded and appropriately managed.
Online safety is regularly taught and embedded throughout our curriculum, ensuring our children are well prepared for the online world.
In Cwmffrwdoer we have an online safety group made up of teachers, governors and pupils, regularly monitoring issues and making sure that everyone is aware of the risks when using technology.
In need of some online safety advice? Click on the links below for some useful tips.
It can be difficult to keep up to date with the latest apps that our children use. It is important that we all have some knowledge on what they are using and know how to keep them safe. Click on the links below to find out all about the most popular apps.
Young people are growing up in a world where technology has always been present for them and this can have both a positive and negative impact on their lives. Digital wellbeing is about having an awareness of how being online can make us feel and looking after ourselves and others when online. This can include recognising the impact being online can have on our emotions, mental wellbeing and even our physical health and knowing what to do if something goes wrong.
Click on the link below if you want to help your child with their digital wellbeing.